Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gasparilla Distance Classic

We went to St Pete this weekend to run a 15K in Tampa. We both finished about 3 minutes under our goal. Erik finished in 1 hour and 12 minutes. I finished in 2 hours and 11 minutes. I was DYING by mile 7. I think it was worse because I had two miles to go. Had I been almost finished, I would have been able to finish stronger. The temperature was in the 70s for most of the race, and I don't have good mind over matter. Once I got in my head that I was tired, there was no pushing any harder. I think I only did one mile over 15 minutes, but my first few were around 13-13 1/2 minute miles. Luckily I was able to start strong, and didn't disappoint myself even more at the end. I'm happy to say that this race was the end of my long distance career. I think I'll stick to 5Ks and maybe 10Ks from now on!

Erik and I stayed at my parents' house. Jonathan and his family are staying there for a little while, and Kayleigh LOVED playing with her cousin, Mia. The two of them started to play first thing Friday morning and didn't stop until we left on Sunday. They would crack each other up, too. It was so neat to get to watch the two of them together! I think there were only a few times when they would get upset that one was playing with the other's toy. We were able to finally meet Nathan, and he is such a good baby! He was happy all the time, unless it was feeding time and you didn't instantly and constantly have food in his mouth. What a guy! :)

These are just a few pictures from my mom's camera. Ours is still broken. Jonathan has a ton of more pictures on his camera, but we had to leave early this morning and I didn't get them downloaded. I'm sure these give a pretty good peek into our weekend.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Congrats to you both. I am very impressed with your running and think you are super brave to do a 15k! Awesome job! Love the pics!