Friday, September 28, 2007

4 months old

I can't believe how quickly 4 months can fly by! Kayleigh will be going to the doctor in a couple of weeks, after we get back from our vacations. I'll wait until then to do her measurements--I never seem to get them right, anyway. The last time I tried to measure how long she was, I'm pretty sure she had shrunk! That's when I decided to leave it to the professionals!
Here are some things that Kayleigh should be able to do now that she's 4 months old:
--On stomach, lift head up 90 degrees (check)
--laugh out loud (check)
--follow an object in an arc about 6 inches above her face for 180 degrees. (check. She was able to do that in July when Chat walked by her. Does anyone else remember that??)
At 4 months, she may be able to:
--hold head steady when upright (check)
--on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms. (check--but I've only seen her do this once)
--grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of her fingers. (check)
--pay attention to an object as small as a raisin. (We haven't tried this one yet!)
--reach for an object (check)
--squeal in delight (check!)
At four months old, she may possibly be able to:
--keep head level with body when pulled to sitting (not yet)
--roll over (okay, she does this on the bed, but apparently that doesn't count!)
--turn in the direction of a voice (sometimes)
--say vowel-consonant combinations (not yet)
--blow raspberries (check!)
At four months old, she may even be able to:
--bear some weight on legs when held upright (check)
--sit without support (not yet)
--object when you try to take a toy away (not my baby!!!)
--turn in the direction of a voice (sometimes)

Seems like I have a pretty smart little girl, huh??? :)
(Facts courtesy of What to Expect the First Year)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My baby's sick!!!

Oh no. It's finally happened. Late Saturday night, Kayleigh started having trouble breathing. She was warm on Sunday, but her breathing was pretty much back to normal. But, for the past 3 mornings, I've had to suck out junk from her nose. Yuck! She hates it, too, and you should have heard how she cried this morning when I did it. It was like I had really hurt her! I've talked to some other parents, and have gotten advice from them. I think it's a head cold, and nothing I can take her to the doctor for. I just feel bad that she's having a hard time breathing. Amazingly, she's still her sweet self.
I blame the day care for this. Everyone warned me that it would happen, and I think it did for the first time. I know that a boy from Kayleigh's class was sent home on Thursday, one of the days that Kayleigh was there. I guess it's good for her to start getting her immune system going now while she's young. Hopefully she'll get over this quickly--we have some traveling to do this weekend!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

My little cutie

Isn't this picture just too cute?? I took it this morning before I woke Kayleigh up for day care.

Grandparents' Day

Today was Grandparents' Day at Kayleigh's day care. The big event lasted from 9:30 until 11:00. That's a little early for Kayleigh and me to get up and make it to school, but we managed, even with the rain that we had! Shirley was able to make it for the whole time. Jim had a doctor's appointment, so he came later. He made it just in time for me to leave for a hair appointment, which is why he's not in the pictures. The redhead in the pictures is Ms. Kinney, one of Kayleigh's teachers.
Oh, and Kayleigh DOES wear clothes to day care, abuelo!!! They took her clothes off so that they didn't get messy in the paint! I did get a good little laugh out of it when they said that they were going to undress her. I said, "Oh, I can't wait for my dad to hear about this!" :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A case of the giggles

Kayleigh has started to laugh out loud these past couple of weeks. Her giggle is getting longer, meaning going from one little "ha" to sounding more like a laugh. A couple of things that have made her laugh are:
1. when daddy lifts her over his head
2, when mommy talks to grandma about her recent blow out. (She really did laugh at this!)
3. laying on her pad that abuelo bought her. It has a mirror on an arch over her, and I think she was laughing at herself.

I've tried to get a video of her laughing, but of course she stops whenever she sees a camera! Eventually I'll get it!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Our Saturday morning

First, Erik made pancakes for breakfast. They were delish, of course, but Erik looked up from his breakfast to see Romeo getting some for herself! (No, the griddle wasn't hot!)

Next, Erik and Ginger enjoyed some time watching t.v.

Since Tracy and Kayleigh didn't want to watch what Erik and Ginger were watching, they enjoyed some face time, and apparently had a great conversation!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Movin' up

So, Erik has decided that it's time for Kayleigh to move out of our room and into her own. I, of course, am in no hurry to move her. Let's just say that last night wasn't quite the success story that Erik had hoped it would be. Kayleigh isn't as excited about her crib as she could be, and didn't sleep long in it. By 3:30, I had had enough, and took her out and into bed with me. I'm not sure that was the ending that Erik had hoped for, but since I was the one who was awake at 3:30, I got to make the decision! I'm not sure if we're going to try again tonight or not. My dad had a good idea--start Kayleigh up there for naps, and then move her up at night. I'm going to have to see what Erik thinks about that one.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Another surprise!

I know that this is a little overdue, but I thought I would go ahead and put it on the blog. Shirley was the one to get the surprise this last weekend. Her mom, sister, brother and his wife all surprised her with a visit last Friday. Shirley had had surgery, and they came up to give her some moral support. They made it to the hospital before Shirley was discharged on Friday. I decided to have everyone over for dinner that night. I made fajitas, refried beans and yellow rice. It--in my humble opinion--was delicious! It was also so nice to visit with everyone and for Kayleigh to be able to meet more of Shirley's family.
P.S. We missed you, Aunt Ola!!!

Friday, September 7, 2007


These are just a couple of pictures of Kayleigh sucking on her fingers. She has just started sucking her thumb a little more, although I think that her middle two fingers on her left hand are still her favorite!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


A "Bumbo" is a chair that babies can sit in, even if they're unable to sit up on their own. It has a high back to support their neck, and a high front to keep them from flopping forward. Kayleigh sat in one for the first time at Polly's house, and since it worked, I thought that she was ready for one of her own. Kayleigh got it today, and from the look on her face, I would say that she likes it! It'll be nice to have another place for her to sit.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Yesterday, Erik and I, along with my sister, Valerie and her husband, Matthew, surprised our mom for her birthday. Valerie and I were in cahoots with our dad and aunt planning the surprise. We kids got to Bern's Steak House in Tampa before our parents and aunt and uncle arrived and were seated at the table. When our mom walked in, there we were, ready to celebrate her birthday! Valerie and I had even talked to mom earlier in the day to see what was going on. She had no idea we were on our way to have dinner. It was so much fun to see everyone again, even if we were just down last week!