Friday, September 28, 2007

4 months old

I can't believe how quickly 4 months can fly by! Kayleigh will be going to the doctor in a couple of weeks, after we get back from our vacations. I'll wait until then to do her measurements--I never seem to get them right, anyway. The last time I tried to measure how long she was, I'm pretty sure she had shrunk! That's when I decided to leave it to the professionals!
Here are some things that Kayleigh should be able to do now that she's 4 months old:
--On stomach, lift head up 90 degrees (check)
--laugh out loud (check)
--follow an object in an arc about 6 inches above her face for 180 degrees. (check. She was able to do that in July when Chat walked by her. Does anyone else remember that??)
At 4 months, she may be able to:
--hold head steady when upright (check)
--on stomach, raise chest, supported by arms. (check--but I've only seen her do this once)
--grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of her fingers. (check)
--pay attention to an object as small as a raisin. (We haven't tried this one yet!)
--reach for an object (check)
--squeal in delight (check!)
At four months old, she may possibly be able to:
--keep head level with body when pulled to sitting (not yet)
--roll over (okay, she does this on the bed, but apparently that doesn't count!)
--turn in the direction of a voice (sometimes)
--say vowel-consonant combinations (not yet)
--blow raspberries (check!)
At four months old, she may even be able to:
--bear some weight on legs when held upright (check)
--sit without support (not yet)
--object when you try to take a toy away (not my baby!!!)
--turn in the direction of a voice (sometimes)

Seems like I have a pretty smart little girl, huh??? :)
(Facts courtesy of What to Expect the First Year)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that she's ignoring you. At least she's not talking back yet!! :)