Wednesday, October 3, 2007

You're not going to believe this, but...

Okay, so I know that the last time I was here in St Pete, I wrote and said that Kayleigh rolled over, and no one really seemed to believe me. That's why this post may seem a little unbelievable. Yes, again I was by myself. Kayleigh and I went to a play date with my friends from high school (the same group that met the last time I was here). When we got home to my parents' house, I put her on her stomach on a blanket on the floor. The next thing I know, she's made it to her side. Just a little bit after that, she was on her back! Amazing. I have also noticed that the past couple of mornings when I've gone to get her out of her crib, she's facing a different direction than when I put her down. She's really starting to move some more.
After my mom got home from school today, she had Kayleigh on the bed while she checked email. She called me into the room, because this time she had Kayleigh on her back, and she rolled to her stomach. No one was sitting on the bed to make it slant. I've seen that before, though. I'll lay her down to nurse her, and the first thing she'll do is roll over to her side.
Believe what you want, but my baby is growing up!!!

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