Friday, September 14, 2007

Movin' up

So, Erik has decided that it's time for Kayleigh to move out of our room and into her own. I, of course, am in no hurry to move her. Let's just say that last night wasn't quite the success story that Erik had hoped it would be. Kayleigh isn't as excited about her crib as she could be, and didn't sleep long in it. By 3:30, I had had enough, and took her out and into bed with me. I'm not sure that was the ending that Erik had hoped for, but since I was the one who was awake at 3:30, I got to make the decision! I'm not sure if we're going to try again tonight or not. My dad had a good idea--start Kayleigh up there for naps, and then move her up at night. I'm going to have to see what Erik thinks about that one.

1 comment:

nick, robyn and taylor said...

I agree with Dad. I think that would be a good way to transition her. Hopefully it won't take long for her to get used to it.