Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bathtub blow out!

I decided to give Kayleigh a bath this morning before we head over to Jacksonville for a couple of days. I was reading my Reader's Digest as she bathed, and I got a funny feeling that she was doing something in the tub that she shouldn't be doing. I thought she peed, but when I took a better look, it was POOP!! Oh my!! And not normal baby poop--this was the thick stuff like she had been eating solids. Gross!! I grabbed her and wiped her down. Then I started in on the ducky tub and the big tub. It was a MESS! When I was ready to start over with her again, I saw that there were poop streaks on the bath mat that I placed Kayleigh on. Oh boy. We had quite the time this morning. On the plus side--she's all clean now!! :)
P.S. A lot happened this morning, so keep reading the other posts!


Anonymous said...

So are you saying only one of you had fun this morning during her bath???

nick, robyn and taylor said...

I guess that's what you get for expecting your 8 1/2 month old to bathe herself while you enjoy a good read :)