We just got home about an hour ago from Nashville and Erik's first marathon. He didn't do as well as he wanted to, but the conditions were not on his side. It was the hottest day Nashville has seen in years, with temperatures in the 80s. While there, we got to see our friends Ali and Jarrod, along with their daughter, Sydney. Kayleigh and Sydney are just a few months apart and had so much fun together! We haven't see Ali and Jarrod since their wedding in December of 2003, but we have kept in touch and had fun actually getting to hang out in person! They also have a golden-doodle (golden retriever and poodle mix) that Kayleigh loved. He was huge but so gentle with the little girls. Ali is also pregnant with her second child, which she has found out is a girl. Erik and Amy drove up and back with us. They were smart and brought movies to watch. Kayleigh's favorite was "Happy Feet", which she has never seen. She knows all about Mumble, though, and loved watching him and the other penguins sing and dance. I'm sure I'm leaving out some details from this weekend, but it's been a long day and my brain is tired. Enjoy the pictures.
There have been quite a few nights recently when Kayleigh has woken up and wanted out of her crib. Last night (early this morning!!) she did it again, and Erik got her out to the day bed that we have upstairs. She doesn't mind sleeping on that, and does pretty well on it. I hope that means that she will be ready for a toddler bed this summer. I say that because I know I won't be able to put her in or take her out of her crib after my next c-section, so I want to make sure she is ready for a toddler bed before then. Anyway, Erik went to wake Kayleigh up this morning so we could do some shopping, and this is what he found:
I have been on craigslist.com a lot recently trying to find outdoor toys for Kayleigh to play with this summer. This week I saw an ad for a swing set, and was so excited about it. Kayleigh loves to be outside, but she doesn't have much to play with out there, so it might be fun for her, but not for me! Oh, the best parts of the swing set deal were that the lady delivered it for free from across town, and she gave us a toddler swing to go with it for no extra charge! Erik and I had planned to buy one for Kayleigh this weekend and were excited to save the $20.
Kayleigh has already figured out how to climb up the stairs and sit on the slide by herself. She gets mad if we try to help her out, but Erik and I have decided that we at least need to be behind her in case she missteps.
Jack S., we can't wait for you to come and play, too!
It was hard to get Kayleigh to sit still for a picture, so here's the best I could do.
Here's a nice Easter story for you: I put Kayleigh down for a nap in only her diaper, because I had taken her out of her dress. About 20 minutes later, Erik heard her calling for Mommy. She didn't sound very upset, so he thought he would let her be and maybe she would go back to sleep. Ten to fifteen minutes later, she's calling for Mommy again. This time Erik went upstairs (I was napping). He saw a diaper on the floor and wondered why I didn't throw it away. Then he got closer to Kayleigh and realized that she was naked! Luckily she didn't pee in the bed, but it was quite the surprise! Happy Easter!
Mom emailed me some pictures from our Mobile trip earlier this week. A little background on the pictures: We took Kayleigh and Taylor to the park the day after it rained. The ground was still muddy and we got dirty, but still had fun. Taylor figured out how to climb into her wicker toy baskets while we were there and the two spent some time hanging out in them. Kayleigh wanted to play in Taylor's crib. Taylor knows how to hang on and jump, and Kayleigh figured it out, too. Those girls could get some air!
Last night Kayleigh got a pen off of my beside table and started to play with it. Playing began with drawing on a sheet of paper. It ended with drawing on her legs. I did think it was funny until she drew on my sheets! That's when play time ended. When you're looking through the pictures, you'll see one where Kayleigh is giving Erik a dirty look. I was trying to get her to say, "cheese", and Erik said it instead. Kayleigh was mad that he said it before her. Kayleigh had a great time in Mobile last weekend getting to play with her cousin, aunt and uncle. Mom and I ended up cutting our trip short because of bad weather, but we had a great time while there. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I'll have to wait to get pictures from Mom or Nick and Robyn.