Wednesday, January 30, 2008

8 months already!

I can't believe that Kayleigh is 8 months old! Don't I say that every month??? She did successfully make a liar out of me. I said on her 7 month blog that I thought she would have a tooth by the end of the month. She's still chewing on things like crazy, and there were nights that I was sure she was cutting a tooth, but she still gives a toothless smile.
Using our scientific caculations, Erik and I measured Kayleigh at 26-ish inches (we've fluctuated between 25" and 27"), and she weighs about 20 1/2 pounds. That puts her in the 12th percentile for height (up from less than the 3rd percentile 2 months ago) and into the 84th percentile for weight (down from 86).
Kayleigh is starting to pull up, and is still working on crawling. She gets frustrated when she tries to crawl, but still gets into the position sometimes. Other times, she can't get both feet behind her and starts to whine.
Oh, and you might notice that Kayleigh isn't so gentle with Mumble anymore. Poor guy! He's a good sport, though, and let's her do whatever she wants!


Anonymous said...

Wait til Aunt Anne sees what she's doing to Mumble!!!

Anonymous said...

How adorable- for Kayleigh...I am not so sure about Mumble, but hey he is a penguin- she is a princess.
I am signing her up for Marshka's lucha libre ladies!!
Aunt Anne

Anonymous said...

Poor Mumble didn't know what he was in for. Well, he had it good for a while!

Kayleigh is so cute and I can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks!