I can't believe how fast the time has gone! I really can't believe that Kayleigh has been living with us for almost half of a year! Kayleigh is at school right now, so I haven't taken any pictures today. I'll have to get them up later. I thought I would put up the facts from "What to Expect the First Year" again. It's interesting, I think!
By five months, Kayleigh should be able to...
--Hold head steady when upright (check)
--On stomach, raise chest, supported by arms. (check)
--Pay attention to an object as small as a raisin (I still haven't tried this yet)
--Squeal in delight (check)
--Reach for an object (check, and her teachers were surprised when she did that last week at school)
--Smile spontaneously. (check)
--Smile back when you smile (She usually needs you to give her a reason to smile, and smiling isn't always good enough)
--Grasp a little rattle held to the backs or tips of her fingers (check)
--Keep head level with body when pulled to sitting (check)
At five months, Kayleigh will probably be able to...
--Roll over (check)
--Bear some weight on legs (check)
--Say vowel-consonant combinations (not really, at least I don't think so)
--Blow raspberries (check)
--Turn in the direction of a voice (check)
At five months, Kayleigh may possibly be able to...
--Sit without support (She can kind of sit leaning forward, so that she's pretty much holding herself up with her hands. I'm not sure that that counts!)
At five months, Kayleigh may even be able to...
Let's just say that she's not able to do any of these things yet. I won't embarrass her by listing them!