Wednesday, December 17, 2008

18 month check up

I know it's a little late, but Kayleigh just had her 18 month check up today. She was able to get in and out without shots, which is awesome. She knows which nurse gives her the shots and is never happy to see her. For her percentiles, Kayleigh is 27.6 pounds, so that's the 87th percentile, and is 30 1/2 inches, or the 15th percentile. I think her weight percentile has gone up, but so has her height! She's consistently short and chunky.

Today is the first day that Kayleigh has worn her hair in a pony tail to school. She does NOT like for me to try to get her hair in a pony tail, but she's starting to sit still for me, so I thought I would attempt it today. I need to work on making it neater. I'll get better with practice.

We had a couple of Christmas parties last weekend for Erik's work. One was a kids party with a chance to take pictures with Santa. Can you guess who was not thrilled to sit on Santa's lap?!?! Other than that, Kayleigh had a good time at the party. Erik's work gave each kid a $10 gift certificate to Walmart! Isn't that nice?? We used it to get Kayleigh a pair of church shoes. Wow. We're such good parents to splurge on our daughter! :)

We have a couple of more Christmas parties this weekend. Luckily, I'm done with work after Friday, so I can handle all of the excitement. I also want to go around and see some Christmas lights. I know of a neighborhood in town that goes all out every year. We went last year, and it's a tradition I want to start with Kayleigh.

I'm sure I'll take a bunch of pictures this weekend because we're having our Christmas celebration with Erik's family.


Anonymous said...

Happy 18 months, Kayleigh. Where is Mumble?

Matthew and Valerie said...

I guess we never have to worry about Kayleigh growing up! HA! I love her just the way she a Villacampa! :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, she'll just grow older. Cute little girl.