Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A look into the future

I thought I would have a few more years before Kayleigh wanted to drive, but I guess she is ready to take that step now. Yesterday when we got home from school, Kayleigh climbed over the center console into the front seat. She knows that the handle for the brights will turn the lights on, and the blinkers work if the car is on. Kayleigh did NOT want out of the driver's seat, so I ran inside to get the camera and start taking pictures. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Cute, but you know that I am a worrier. Keep that emergency brake on at all times that you are not behind the wheel. It is very easy for anyone, even a child, to put a car into neutral and roll into the street.
"Aunt" Anne

Anonymous said...

Good advice, Anne. Kayleigh is darling in the pictures! She and Mia will be driving to St. Pete in no time!! :) They'll have to teach Taylor.

Matthew and Valerie said...

Maybe you should be checking the mileage on the car to make sure she's not sneaking out and going for joy rides at night! :)

Kelli said...

Oh man! You're really in for it now my friend!