Sunday, December 28, 2008

Big church

We had a combined church service today, which means instead of having a traditional and then contemporary worship service, everyone was invited to one service at 10:30. The church does this every year around the holidays because of the lowered attendance. I liked starting so much earlier (the contemporary service starts at 11:15) and getting out earlier. Our Sunday School class is getting ready to combine with a couple of other classes. Before the combined service, we had a big pot luck breakfast. Yum! All of the kids were invited to breakfast as well, so Kayleigh stayed upstairs with us. She was so content to be with us that we decided not to take her to the nursery when we went to church. She cracked us up and embarrassed us during church, so I don't think this was the start of a new tradition. I can't imagine having to keep her with us every week, because it is so distracting. Here is what she did this morning:

--At the end of several songs, she clapped and cheered, "Yay!!!"
--During one of the prayers, and yelled, "Amen", more clearly than we've ever heard her yell.
--She tried to rearrange the hymnals and Bibles.
--She tried to help the worship leader conduct the songs. It was funny watching her move her arms around like she was mimicking the conductor.
--She saw someone leave the sanctuary and realized that it was a door we were sitting next to in case we needed a quick escape. She started miming knocking on a door and said, "knock, knock!"

It was funny for one Sunday, but I think that was enough for us.

1 comment:

Matthew and Valerie said...

Too cute. I'm sure everyone around you loved their visitor.