Saturday, June 20, 2009

Morning conversation

While I was upstairs with Kayleigh hanging out in her room before she was ready to get dressed in come downstairs, we had the following conversation:
Kayleigh: "Kayleigh's pretty!"
Me: "Yes you are!"
Kayleigh: "Mia's pretty!" (That's her cousin)
Me: "Yes, Mia is pretty, too! Is Mommy pretty?" (Why oh why did I ask this question?!?!)
Kayleigh: ""

I kept asking her until she finally said yes...And, in case you're wondering, Chat you're pretty and Grandma (mom), Kayleigh said you're pretty too. Kayleigh came up with Chat's name on her own, and then I kept going through girls that I hoped she would say were pretty until I figured she had said yes enough times that she would say yes for me, too!


Matthew and Valerie said...

Poor Lisa! You'll learn your lesson eventually. :)

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me, Kayleigh: "Aunt Anne is pretty, and Mumble is pretty."

Matthew and Valerie said...

Too funny Anne!

Kelli said...

Well, for the record, you ARE pretty! =)

Chaille' said...

I LOVE it!! Well I know she would say Aunt Chaille' is pretty.....if I paid her enough in gummy bears!!:) But remind me to tell you the story..... when I ask Thor "Are you Nanie's boy?" He answers "Horse"!!! It's a big joke now!