Saturday, July 18, 2009

Orlando here we come!

Today starts this year's Eikeland family vacation. Our core family can only go through Monday since Erik used most of his vacation time when we went to Europe. We do want to see the North Carolina Eikelands since those visits are few and far between. In all, there should be almost 2 dozen Eikelands in Orlando! Whew! I'm sure the city doesn't know what's about to hit them!
Since check-in time isn't until 4PM, we have some relaxed time before we leave. Erik was going to mow the lawn this morning, but of course it's raining. Oops! We're going to be the bad neighbors with knee high grass when we come home. Kayleigh was playing with her baby and bear this morning. We have a broken camera that she's allowed to "take pictures" with. She had bear and baby on the couch and chaise lounge taking their picture (and showing them the finished product, of course!). She called me over to take a picture of her with her toys, so I hurried up to get the working camera and got this picture:
Too cute!


Anonymous said...

No offense to Mr. Bear, and to "Ms.Baby Doll", but Mumble is much cuter...

nick, robyn and taylor said...

You people go on more vacations than anyone! So far this year you've been on more than Nick and I have in the last year! Geez.
I hope y'all have fun! Take lots of pictures!

Matthew and Valerie said...

I'm sure the NC Eikelands are glad to see you even for just a couple of days. And yes, that is a very cute picture of Kayleigh!