Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Bath time!

Kayleigh got her first bath tonight. She did surprisingly well. She was pretty calm for the first couple of minutes, but then perked up for the rest of her bath. She was fine once we got her dried off and wrapped in her towel. She is just too cute!! Kayleigh got her revenge by pooping in the little tub at some point during the bath. She seems to like to wait until her diaper is off to do her business. Ick! She's already sleeping again, and mom has her outside to get some fresh air.


nick, robyn and taylor said...

Aww, how sweet! Looks like she enjoyed it. Her hair is so shiney and pretty!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Get her all nice and clean before we come over. Thanks!!

I like your top.
