Cayla tagged me, and there are different questions this time, so I figured I'd go ahead and do it again!
What were you doing 10 years ago? I had just graduated from high school! I was working at the Gap (LOVED it!!!) and getting ready to go to the University of Florida for school.
What were you doing 5 years ago? I had just come back from the Philippines and my brother's wedding. I moved to Tallahassee from Gainesville and Erik and I were starting in on wedding plans. Awww!!! :)
5 months ago? I was probably still in a minor panic mode trying to figure out if I was actually going to be able to handle working and having an infant. That was H-A-R-D!!!
5 things on my to-do-list:1-Finish a 5K this morning in hot, humid weather without dying
2-Clean my house (that's an every day to do list item!)
3-Finish packing for Hawaii
4-Mail Jonathan and Chat their swing (Erik is actually going to the post office this morning if you all read this)
5-Check and double check my packing list for Hawaii. I keep adding stuff!
5 favorite snacks:1-Ice Cream (duh!)
2-Dole fruit cups with yogurt on the bottom (I eat those at school)
3-I don't really know how to answer the rest. I'm not a "snacky" person, and just grab whatever's around, I guess
5 things I would do with a Billion Dollars:1-Quit my job and stay home
2-My Sunday school answer--tithe
3-Do volunteer work (if I didn't have to work since I had a billion dollars!)
4-Go on lots of trips
5-Buy a sweet camera and take a class like Chaille!
5 Places I've Lived:1-St. Petersburg
3-Montgomery, Alabama
5-That's it for me!
5 Things you might not know about me:1-I HATE it if I've taken two showers in a day and the towel or washcloth hasn't completely dried yet. I think I heard somewhere that those things needed to dry completely so bacteria didn't grow on them.
2-I have never used a lawn mower. My dad wouldn't let the girls mow the lawn. Sorry, Nick! Random story: One time when we were younger, Nick and I decided to switch chores for a change. My chore was to vacuum, and his was to mow the lawn. He vacuumed the house, and later we were outside where he was instructing me on how the lawn mower worked. Dad came outside and said, no, I was not going to mow the lawn. Nick ended up having to do both chores. It was a good day for me, but not so good for him!
3-I wouldn't make a good nurse! My heart it too hard, and I would probably make my patients do more than they could handle. Plus, I hate shots, and am not sure that I could inflict that pain on other people.
4-I still love to get the mail, even though I rarely get anything except junk and bills. I run to it faster around my birthday and Christmas when I know there will be cards waiting for me!
5-I love anesthesia. I have this great idea, and I'll use the blog to spread the word. I've actually told a doctor about my idea, but it died there in the operating room! (My idea, not the doctor!) I think that once you're getting the fun medicine, you should be allowed one phone call to let someone else hear how goofy you are! I say crazy stuff, and I think other people should be allowed in on the fun! I also repeat myself when I'm woozy. For instance, when I was getting ready for my last surgery (not my c-section, because they don't give you the fun medicine then) I was all pumped up to tell my idea! I waited until they had given me the juice and then was out with it while I still had the guts. I'm pretty sure that as soon as I was done with my story I asked, "Did I tell you my idea about the one phone call??" When the doctor came out of the operating room to talk to my mom and friend, he told her that I had them cracking up. Pretty much every time someone tells me they're about to go in for surgery, I tell them my idea and ask them to spread the word. Unfortunately, the people I know are wimps because none of them have done it yet!
I tag anyone else willing to add this to their blog :)