Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of school

It has been a long day! Kayleigh went back to school today for the first time since her birthday. Sure, she's been there to visit, but today she was there to stay. There are 7 kids in her new class, including her, with 2 teachers. All of the kids were in Kayleigh's old class, so that probably made the transition a little easier. One of the teachers was also her teacher last year--another plus! There is another kid in the baby room that will move up to her class eventually. This kid (I think it's a girl, but I always think it's a girl!) is 10 months old, but was 2 months premature, so the school decided to hold her back until she catches up some more with the older kids.
In Kayleigh's new class, most of the kids take a nap at the same time, instead of going down when tired. They also sleep on mats, instead of in cribs. The rest of the class has been practicing this all summer. Kayleigh had a hard time taking naps last year, so I was worried about it today. When I picked her up today, her teacher told me that it took a little time to get Kayleigh to sleep, but she ended up sleeping the longest. I was SO glad to hear that, because she's been taking some great naps over the summer, and I've been worried that she wasn't getting enough sleep while at school.
Kayleigh was asleep tonight by 7:30, so I know she had a big day.


nick, robyn and taylor said...

yay for a good nap!

Matthew and Valerie said...

I'm sure the teachers and kids were glad to have Kayleigh back in class!