Sunday, August 17, 2008

New teeth

Boy do I feel like a bad mom. Kayleigh has been a little drooly lately--nothing dripping, but she sometimes has a hard time keeping the spit in her mouth. I could tell that her next two bottom teeth are getting ready to come in, but last night Erik had her across his lap, and I saw something white towards the back of her mouth. Yep, she has two top molars coming in! It's either the first or second molar, but there is one on each side. And, you can see a lot of white, which means that they've been there for awhile.

Kayleigh made it through almost a full week of school before they called to say she had a fever and needed to be picked up. Luckily, Erik was off for the day, and he went and got her. Unfortunately for him, I was also on my way to get her (not knowing that he had been called). When she got home, she seemed okay, except for being a little warm. Here is a short video about what she thinks of taking Tylenol.


Anonymous said...

I have never liked Tylenol either...Smart girl!
Also, you are NOT a bad mother. You and Eric are both very good parents.
"Aunt" Anne

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Erik, not Eric...

Anonymous said...

Her teeth sneak in places you aren't expecting them. No wonder you didn't notice her molars were coming in. Not your fault. Good thing Tylenol comes ion plastic bottles now!!

Ali said...

Love the video! Funny because Sydney loves the stuff and wants it whenever she sees the bottle. Hope that school is going well for you and hope that hurricane stays away. As for the teeth, you are not a bad mama! Somehow those teeth sneak in and I think they just come in overnite sometimes.

Kelli said...

That's hysterical! :) Who likes to take medicine though? My kids do the same thing!