Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New "recipe"

I had heard of this from my mom, but didn't know if it would actually work. It's a "recipe" to remove stains from clothing. For those of you who know Kayleigh well, you know that there is no diaper that can hold her pooh when she has a blow out. I tried this the other day on clothes of Kayleigh's that had already been washed and dried, so it takes out old stains, too!
You need:
Chlorox 2 (the powdered kind)
WHITE dish soap (like Ivory)
boiling water

Mix the Chlorox 2 and dish soap to make a paste. Rub paste into the stain (I used a toothbrush). Next, pour the boiling water over the stain. Wash. You do NOT have to repeat! I honestly have clothes of Kayleigh's that I haven't let her wear in a couple of months because of the stains. She can now wear them again! Yahoo!! (Yes, she can still wear clothes that are a couple of months old--she's short!)

Let me know if you try the recipe and it works! I'm not sure if it works on every stain, but if it can work on blowouts, it's gotta be good!


Anonymous said...

You doubted your MOTHER??

Matthew and Valerie said...

I should have gotten the "ingredients" when we were at Target yesterday. I am definitely trying it on some clothes.