Monday, May 11, 2009

"More happy to you??"

First, let me say that I don't know how Kayleigh learned the Happy Birthday song. She has sung it before, but none of her classmates have had a birthday recently, and I don't think we have sung it around her very much. Today I was in the day care office with Kayleigh, and I saw a sign for free cupcakes. Since I was starving, I decided to get one. Kayleigh first asked for some "happy to you", which I figured out was the cupcake. I gave her a little bite of the cake, but not the icing. After her first bite she kept asking, "More happy to you??" It was so cute that I couldn't resist!

1 comment:

Matthew and Valerie said...

She already knows how to get what she wants from mommy. Look out!