Sunday, May 17, 2009

Our big girl!

Erik and I decided to finally change Kayleigh's crib to a toddler bed after talking about it for a couple of weeks. She has disliked being in her crib for awhile, so we figured we might as well bite the bullet. She has a long night Friday night. She never got out of the bed, but kept waking up and wanting one of us to come up with her. She took a good nap on Saturday afternoon and slept all night last night. Woohoo!! Today when I took her up for her nap she tried to follow me out the door, but I closed it and we have one of those handles on it to make it harder to open. She must have put herself back to bed, because that's where she was when she woke up! This girl is so easy!

This was our week to help out with the kids downstairs at church. Kayleigh has moved up to a new room recently to be with more kids her age. That room has a little potty in it. While Erik and I were down there with her, she came up to me and said that she wanted to go potty. I have allowed her to sit on the toilet and have encouraged her to try it, but I'm not in any way trying to push the issue...I'm saving that for this summer! But, when she said she wanted to go, I figured why not? Sure enough, she sat on the potty and PEED!!! I was soooo excited that I almost started calling everyone from the bathroom! After her nap today, I asked her if she wanted to try again and she did. And she went again!! This girl is soooo easy! I'm going to talk to her teachers at day care about letting her try during the day, but again, I don't want to say that we are officially potty training because I don't know what it'll be like for her at day care. I think it'll be a lot easier when we're at home for the summer and can spend the day inside practicing. Of course, she can always learn at Grandma and Abuelo's house while she stays with them! :)


Matthew and Valerie said...

I love the big girl bed. Hopefully Mia will help with the potty training too!

Kelli said...

Aw, she's a growin' up! I remember that Avonlea was super easy with her transitions too. Lincoln is a different story. Maybe it's a "girl-thang". (?) OR maybe we just produce intelligent children. I'd like to think the latter...he he. Good luck with the potty training this summer. Consistency is key. I'm waiting with Lincoln til a little later. Still haven't figured out how I'm going to potty train a boy! New territory. =)

Ali said...

Such a big girl! So glad the transition to the big girl bed is going well. It gives me hope for Sydney. Gosh, our girls really have been such easy babies. Let's hope we don't both get paid back with baby #2!