Thursday, May 3, 2007

35 week check up

Today I had my 35 week check up. I think the best part about it was getting to take a half day off of work. I had a 2:30 appointment, and since I only teach one class in the afternoon (the last period of the day), I got a substitute for the period and left at lunch. What a way to work!
The doctor is still happy with my weight gain. She said that my blood pressure looked good. Last time it was a little high, so I was glad to hear that. The baby's heartbeat is still strong, and she was moving all around before the doctor got in the room. Here are the things that the doctor told me:
1. Baby is still sitting high, so I'm not going into labor anytime soon!
2. I am still measuring big, so I'll get another (woohoo!) ultrasound at my next appointment. She wants to check if it's the baby that's big or if there is still a lot of fluid causing me to look bigger than I am.
3. I am maybe a half centimeter dilated. No biggie there!
4. I had my Group B Strep test. It's something that adults can carry and not have it affect them, but you can pass it on to the baby in labor, giving it an infection.
5. I start going every week until the end!


Anonymous said...

We LOVE hearing all that good news!!! :)

nick, robyn and taylor said...

That's great about your weight gain being good, especially since you're measuring big. I, on the other hand, am packing on the pounds but am measuring right where I should be. That leads me to one conclusion...I'm getting fat.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep the dialating to a minimum. No early babies, I don't care how big she's getting!!! I'm glad you are getting another ultrasound next week. That will be fun seeing how big Kayleigh has gotten!