Wednesday, May 9, 2007

36 weeks = 9 months???

I am officially nine months pregnant! I'm also officially getting ready to give birth to a hoss!! I had my weekly check up today. Before I saw the doctor, I had an ultrasound to see what I'm measuring so big. It turns out that I'm going to have a big baby! According to the ultrasound, she weighs 7 lbs 3 ozs already! The only good news is that her head isn't too big. It looks to be a passable size. :) I'm sure the doctor was worried about how I would take the news. She started out talking about how they won't induce labor early just because there's a possibility that she'll be big. I'm not for inducing early, so that's not a problem. I still think that she could be extra long, and that is contributing to some of the weight. It's just something that we need to be aware of.
2 more things I learned at my appointment:
1. I have group B Strep. This means that I'll have to have antibiotics through an IV during labor. The other Spanish teacher also had this, so I wonder if it's something that we picked up at school???
2. I might get yet another ultrasound to check her size in a couple of weeks!!!!!!!!!!

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