Wednesday, May 7, 2008

At last!!!

I have been afraid to say anything, because I fear that if I do I'll jinx myself. Kayleigh has been mostly sleeping through the night for about the last 3-4 weeks. There are a couple of nights here and there when she will wake up, but for the most part she stays asleep from 7:30-8:00 until I get her up around 6:50 AM. I worried that Kayleigh would never sleep through the night on her own! On the plus side, Erik always takes on night duty.
Tonight, I rocked Kayleigh to sleep like I always do. She was only asleep for a couple of minutes when I put her in her crib. As I started out the door, she woke up and started to sit up and smile at me. I quickly ran out of the room, and....she put herself back to sleep!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! For parents that never did the "cry it out" method this was a big deal.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was your singing??

Anonymous said...

HA HA That's funny