Saturday, May 31, 2008

I almost forgot!

Kayleigh has been pulling up all over the place. When Erik and I were with my parents for Mother's Day, they gave us their little walker thing. Kayleigh has always sat in front of it to push the buttons and play, but has NEVER gotten behind it to try to push it or anything. When we got home from school on Friday, I sat her in front of it to entertain her while I finished packing. All of a sudden I turned areound and saw her standing behind the walker, pushing it across the room! I couldn't believe it! The video is of her walking down the hallway with it. She did a little better on the carpet, but I can't believe that she just decided to get up and do it, and on her birthday of all days!


Anonymous said...

O.K., I am getting her a personalized runner's bib, with her own number 53007. I think that she is ready to start training.

Chaille' said...

You go girl!! She was just saving her surprise for her birthday!:) Look out world....her she comes!
Love, Aunt Chaille'

nick, robyn and taylor said...

Yay! She must have known it was her 1st birthday and that she's a big girl now.

Kelli said...

Yeah for Kayleigh! We were so happy to get to finally meet you today and swim together. Hopefully it won't be too long before we play together again. =)

Avonlea and Lincoln Bates

Matthew and Valerie said...

Haha, I got to see her do it in person! :)