Saturday, May 30, 2009

Happy birthday Kayleigh!!!

I can't believe that Kayleigh is two!! I'm pretty sure I said that last year when she turned one. This year has been an amazing year with so many changes. Her hair has grown so much this year. She has learned to walk, gotten a full mouth of teeth, she can speak in almost complete sentences, and just this week she started to get both feet off of the ground when she jumps. How can I forget going pee pee in the potty??? She has only had 1 accident today, and has been in big girl pants except for nap time. I know there are tons of other things that she has started to do this year, but those seem like the big things. We are so proud of our big girl and how much she has grown!

Yesterday she had a party at school, and I got this video of her before the kids had cupcakes and watermelon. It was funny because 3 of the little boys wouldn't come over for the song because they had seen the cupcakes. They were sitting in their seats waiting for snack time. It's a two minute video, so it's not short, but I think it's worth it.

Tonight we're having Erik's family over for dinner. We're going to have pizza and more cupcakes. Kayleigh does better with cupcakes than she does with regular cake. That means that we're not going to have an official "theme" for her party, but the girl is TWO. What does she know??? She just knows that she's going to get some sweets and gifts. What a day!`1


Kelli said...

Aw, "Happy To You" Kayleigh!!! I don't know if you know Lisa, but there's a children's book called "Happy To You". We saw it in the library yesterday and I checked it out, thinking of you! Lincoln says it too. Must be a toddler thang! =)

Jenna said...

Hilarious video! Notice the boys are crazy - that would be Jack and potentially your son! Just kidding. Kayleigh is so sweet and I am jealous she could be potty-trained soon. It has been fun to see her get older over the past 2 years! Too many more - Happy Birthday Kayleigh!

Matthew and Valerie said...

I loved the video! I'm sure it made your day when she hugged you. And I'm sure Erik was thrilled that she wanted to hug a boy... :)