Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I can't believe it! I have officially made it to my 3rd trimester! Only 12 more weeks until we meet baby! People say that the second trimester is the longest, but looking back, I don't think it was too bad. I would say that the first one was the worst, only because of worrying about having another miscarriage. The second trimester was great because I started to show, and I started to feel the baby kick! Not to mention the fact that we found out that she's a she!!! I also think that the pregnancy has been fun for my students, because they didn't get to find out that I was pregnant until I was starting to show. So, they didn't know that I was pregnant without seeing anything. They've just gotten to see me grow these past couple of months.

For those of you who may be interested in seeing all of the 4D ultrasound pictures, you can access them on Snapfish. Go to Login and password june19

I have another doctor's appointment on 3/26. This will be my final ultrasound. I get to have this last one (it's a regular one, not a 4D) because when we found out the sex, the nurse said that my placenta was sitting low. The ultrasound on the 26th will make sure that the placenta has moved up to a better position. The doctor isn't worried about it, she said that it happens all the time. But, women with low lying placentas (called placenta previa) are more likely to have to have a c-section.


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying the placenta gets higher than any doctor has seen one before! :)

Anonymous said...

But not too high so the doctors have to go in with a suction to bring the baby out!! Too bad low placenta doesn't mean early birth, because you might be ready early! (Of course, so might Kayleigh!)