Saturday, May 12, 2007


Here I am in St Petersburg, trying to enjoy Mother's Day weekend with my family, and I'm having people that are really starting to get on my nerves! Mom, dad, grandma, Erik and I went to Red Lobster tonight for dinner. A lady at the next table over asked me when I was due. I told her that I was due in 3 weeks. She replied with, "We're getting out of here soon, because I think it's going to happen before then!" Thanks, lady!
Erik and I were in JCPenney tonight, and another lady came up to me and asked when I was due. Same reply. With a shocked expression she asked, "Are you having twins?!?!" Once again, thanks lady!
Am I really that big?! I don't think so, but it's my first pregnancy. What do I know??? I'll post another picture soon so that you can decide.


Anonymous said...

My friend, I have had the same questions asked...TWICE! I've been asked if I was due soon around 7 months before too so don't feel bad. I've also been asked if I was having twins and although it's not a good feeling at the time, know that others have gone through it. You're in St. Pete?!!! Well, if you get some "extra time", we'll be home all day Sunday and I'm home during the week. I'd love to see you. We could compare bellies! :)

nick, robyn and taylor said...

We're sorry. People really have no discernment! Some have no filter in their head over what comes out of their mouth. We can't wait to see you in person next weekend! When is your next ultrasound, by the way?

Anonymous said...

HI. Its nicole. After you respond to their rude questions you should ask when they are due.That will shut them up. Im sure you look beautiful as always. Its the time in your life where you are allowed to be round, there is a baby in there people.
Cant wait to see a picture, SOON

Anonymous said...

you came to st pete and didnt call me!!! i was actually in jacksonville, my grandfather passed away, but gosh i would have loved to have seen you!! :) Seems like everything is going along smoothly, don't worry about the group b, i have it too, i am pretty sure its something you are born with, but yah you have to be on antibiotics to protect the baby. Give me a call sometime!!

Anonymous said...


Do you guys watch movies in theater or on internet? I use to rent DVD movies from [b][/b]. Recently I discovered that we can watch all new movies on internet on day, they are released. So why should I spend money on renting movies??? So, can you guys please tell me where I can [url=]watch latest movie Cowboys & Aliens 2010[/url] for free?? I have searched [url=][/url], [url=][/url], [url=][/url] but, Could not find a good working link. If you know any working link please share it with me.
