Monday, August 17, 2009

Here we go again...

So, this weekend, Erik and I were talking about the bedrooms upstairs. I was still being wishy washy with whether or not I wanted to change Kayleigh's room, so Erik said, "I've made the decision. She's moving." Whew! Thanks for taking the pressure off of me! So, in Kayleigh's big girl room, we have re-drawn the flowers and butterflies and are working on getting them repainted. We started painting last night, but we had to wait until Kayleigh was asleep to do any work. The butterflies take me 30 minutes each just to outline them in the paint, and then Erik would go back and fill in the rest of the paint. Her room is going to look really cute once it's all done!
We are also looking for new sheets for Kayleigh's big girl bed. We decided to not go with a theme, just plain ol' sheets. I don't even think we'll buy her a comforter yet. Kayleigh doesn't use a blanket much anymore, and she definitely doesn't use a comforter. She'd get lost in it!
I won't be able to get pictures up for awhile. The camera was shipped off on Friday because it was giving us a "lens error". We're mad at Canon because that's the second camera to do this to us, and this one is only a few months old. Hopefully they can get it fixed and shipped back to us soon.

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