Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby shower

Yesterday, my friend Jenna threw an awesome baby shower for me! It was extra special since I wasn't expecting one. There was a good group of girls from church and other ladies who are always up for a celebration. As usual, Valerie took a ton of pictures, but I will only post a few. The baby and Kayleigh will have a fun new bathroom to share, and I think we got everything we need to complete the decor. For those of you who weren't able to make it, we missed you! For those of you who made it, thanks for coming and helping us celebrate the newest addition to our family!
Erik and I went to Lowes this morning and officially started the process of getting new carpet. We'll have someone come out and measure the bedrooms (the only rooms that have carpet), and then we'll order some from there. Once the carpet is installed, we'll get the nursery done. I think Erik and I may have decided to move Kayleigh out of her room and into the other bedroom. We'll keep her furniture with her, and buy new stuff for the baby. I might still change my mind on that one, so don't quote me on it!


nick, robyn and taylor said...

I'm sad I missed it but glad y'all had a good time! I can't remember if you're painting either of the rooms or not, but I'd paint before the carpet gets installed, especially if you're painting the baseboards...just a suggestion :)

Are you telling the name choices yet? I'm dying to know!

Matthew and Valerie said...

It was a great shower!

Kelli said...

You need a baby ticker on your blog so we can remember when this precious one is due! =)

Ali said...

Glad you had a good shower. Sounds like you got some good gifts for the little one! I agree, you need a baby ticker!