Thursday, August 2, 2007

We survived!!!

Today was Kayleigh's 2 month check up at the doctor's office. Everything still looks good. She weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces with her diaper on, so I'm rounding down to 13 pounds. Her head is 15 1/5 inches around, and she's 23 inches long. The doctor doesn't mind that Kayleigh's so chunky, but did say that Erik and I may need to find more "non-nutritive" ways of comforting her. In other words--quit feeding her so much!!
The worst part about the visit was the shots that Kayleigh had to get. She got 3 today, and screamed the whole time the nurse gave them to her. Amazingly, she was asleep in my arms before I finished checking out!! She's pretty much been napping ever since (we left at 10:20, it's now 1:20). All of her napping meant that I got to take a nap, too!! The nurse said to give her extra loving today, so I let her sleep with me on the couch, rather than trying to make her sleep in her bassinet or pack & play.
We will be back at the doctor's office next Wednesday to get Kayleigh's polio shot. Somehow, they were out of it. Hopefully she'll take it as well as she took these today. Maybe I can get Erik to take her...

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Glad the shots went okay. They're never fun. :( Poor Kayleigh. She and Lincoln are both on the same track as far as height and weight. Well, they're only a week apart. Lincoln eats all the time too. Did Kayleigh go through a growth spurt yet?